I’ve been lax in updating this. As such, I’ve decided to put all of my music-related writing into one post. It ain’t much, but it’s all here.
Here’s Holy Fuck’s Deleter from January 14. I liked it. You’ll get more mileage outta this if you got into them after their debut LP.

Here’s Pearl Jam’s Gigaton from March 22. It’s their most experimental record. It’s solid, but not classic. Worth checking out if you’re a PJ fan.

Here’s Jonathan Something’s Cannibal House Rules from July 29. Excellent record, and rather diverse. Something is quite funny.
Here’s Cult Casual by Heavy Salad from September 23. Fun space-y and acid-y rock record.
Finally, Deftones’ remix album Black Stallion from December 8. It’s White Pony re-jiggered by various artists. I dug it. If you’ve ever wondered how Deftones would sound as purely an electronic act, give it a try.